One of the most prominent police officers in the United States has finally made it known; there is a difference between cannabis and heroin (if you didn’t know). On July 28th, the DEA stated that cannabis is likely less dangerous than heroin; but now, since that time, Chuck Rosenberg and the DEA have made that statement a bit less ambiguous. Chuck Rosenberg is the acting administrator of the DEA, and has officially announced that marijuana is a safer drug than heroin when comparing the two.

“This is not a matter of opinion,” Rosenberg reported. “It’s far less harmful than heroin and it’s encouraging that the DEA is finally willing to recognize that… heroin is clearly more dangerous than marijuana.”

This is the first time that Rosenberg has taken a full stance on cannabis. The acting administrator before Rosenberg, Michelle Leonhart disregarded efforts from Congress and forcefully infiltrated farms cultivating hemp and various dispensaries. Also at this time, the DEA never reported the comparative danger rating of weed to other drugs. Just a year ago, she rebuked Obama for stating that marijuana was less dangerous than alcohol, but was forced to resign due to her “lack of judgement.”

In contrast, Rosenberg reported that alcohol was the most dangerous drug with the worst physical effects. In the report that this information was released in, cannabis was named “one of the least dangerous drugs.”

“(The DEA) will be cracking down on heroin, opioids, meth and cocaine, in roughly that order, and marijuana tends to come in at the back of the pack,” Rosenburg said.

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