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Hemp, Inc. Announces Filing of Provisional Patent to Create Environmentally-Friendly Lost Circulation Material and Spill Absorbents

Industrial Hemp Manufacturing LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hemp, Inc., produces loss circulation material (LCM) and spill absorbents for the oil and gas industries. In oil or gas well drilling, loss circulation occurs when drilling fluid flows into one or more geological formations instead of returning up the annulus. Loss circulation can be a serious problem during the drilling of an oil well or gas well. The provisional patent covers Hemp, Inc.’s process, which dramatically reduces the time, cost, and energy required to create LCMs and spill absorbents using natural plant materials – resulting in a higher quality product for the oil and gas industries.

“We have created a green solution for LCMs,” said David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.’s subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC. “While there are numerous LCMs on the market to choose from, we are confident our proprietary blend of plant materials will further position us as industry leaders in the space. Having the largest hemp and kenaf processing and manufacturing facility in North America allows us to meet the very high demand the oil and gas industries have for LCMs.”

“We are committed to creating environmentally-friendly products in our state-of-the-art 85,000 square foot facility,” said Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin. “Hemp, Inc.’s operation positions North Carolina on the forefront of America’s industrial hemp revolution.”

The provisional patent is applicable for about 10 different plants. The provisional patent is good for one year and during that time Hemp, Inc. plans to complete the application for a process patent.


1. Roxboro Hemp Famers Have High Hopes for Success (Sept. 28, 2017)
“September in North Carolina means tobacco is in the warehouses and the cotton bolls will soon pop open, but one of the newest signs of the season in the state is hemp harvesting.” (Read the full published article here)

2. Hemp is Back After 80 Years (Sept. 28, 2017)
Hemp has made a comeback and that’s being felt in Randolph County and North Carolina’s Tobacco Belt. (Read the full published article here)

3. Up Close with Chris Tinney (September 26, 2017)
“…In this show, he shares what’s happening on the farms in North Carolina, which is now the biggest hemp processing plant in North America, and how Hemp University is empowering everyday people to grow hemp. Bruce also shared his passion to bring back the small family farm to the American landscape…” (To hear the full interview on Up Close with Chris Tinney, click here)

4. North Carolina is Harvesting its First Legal Hemp Crop in Decades (September 25, 2017)
“…Hemp, Inc., has recently begun operations at a new 70,000 square foot multipurpose hemp processing mill in Spring Hope, North Carolina. The facility, which is North America’s largest, is able to process hemp for industrial products as well as other cultivars grown for their CBD-rich flowers…” (Read the full published article in High Times)

5. Hemp Pilot Program an Early Success for Tar Heel Agriculture (September 19, 2017)
“He told The Wilson Times for a story last week that hemp ‘will take the place of tobacco’ — at least in his fields…” (Read the full published article in Wilson Times)

6. Hemp: The New Cash Crop? | The Wilson Times (September 12, 2017)
“…Tony Finch likes the idea of carrying his crop to market and getting paid on the spot. The fourth-generation Nash County farmer is one of about 100…” (Read the full published article here)

7. Hemp: It’s Not Just for Ropes Anymore – The Daily Record (September 11, 2017)
“In reality the hemp plant is useful from the root all the way to the seeds embedded in the flower.” (Read the full published article here)

8. Industrial Hemp is North Carolina’s Newest Crop (August 29, 2017)
“…Because all North Carolina hemp growers are on a steep learning curve this year, opportunities to network and learn from other growers and researchers are highly prized…” (Read the full published article here).

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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