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FutureWorld (FWDG) HempTech Unveils SPIDer II

First Ever Microwave Intrusion Detection System

FutureWorld Corp. (FWDG), a cannabis technology acceleratorand a leading provider of advanced technologies and solutions tothe global cannabis industry, announced today that its subsidiaryHempTech Corp. introduces the SPIDer II(TM) (Secure PerimeterIntrusion Detection Network) line of products to meet the needs ofsecurity and intrusion detection in the indoor and outdoor cannabisgrow industry. The SPIDer II(TM) Intrusion Detection network is amultifaceted product family which provides near real-time detectionof intruders for either a remote inside facility or large open airagricultural facilities. This technology is derived from the InfraxSPIDer systems family of products.

Intrusion detection networks designed for electrical substationsand remote facilities in the electric energy business. Productexamples include but not limited to; active fence systems, HDinfrared and color camera networked via radio systems, motiondetectors, microwave security systems and intelligent LED lightingsystems. HempTech will design specific packages to supportapplications ranging from small indoor facilities to large outdooragriculture facilities covering hundreds of acres.

The SPIDer II(TM) systems consist of 3 levels of detection toidentify intruders and threats in areas that are restricted.

The first level utilizes an electronically charged coaxialcable, FlexPS(TM), woven into your chain link fencing. Excessive fencemovement will set off an alarm through your network notificationsystem that someone is attempting to enter your facility. This is avery cost effective means to secure your site to meet securityrequirements for your company. A Microwave Protection system, MPS*product is also available to protect gates and open fields whereappropriate fencing is unavailable.

The second level consists of a microwave intrusion monitoringsystem, μltrawave(TM), which creates a secure corridor of detectionwithin the restricted area. When activated, this system will detectany movement within the defined corridor. Intrusion detectionbecomes extremely reliable by combining the fence system with thecorridor intrusion detection thus eliminating nuisance alarms atthe perimeter such as objects hitting a fence.

μltraWave(TM), a Microwave Intrusion Detection System, is thenewest generation of volumetric perimeter intrusion detectionsystem consisting of an all-digital transmitter and receiver. Thetransmitter and receiver create an invisible detection zone thatalerts when an intrusion occurs. μltraWave(TM) works reliably inextreme environments and provides networking for remote alarmreporting and configuration common to other sensors.

The third level is a multi-level detection and verificationnetwork that uses both level one and level two systems to rapidlyidentify a potential intruder and provide you information for arapid decision. Full motion light and inferred cameras are alsointegrated into the system. These cameras can be directed by theresponse of the intrusion detection network. This level ofintegration requires CaNNaLyTiX(TM) softer to fully integrate all thecomponents.

All SPIDer II(TM) networks as designed to be fully integrated andcompatible with HempTech’s CaNNaLyTiX(TM) analytics and controlplatform. Each systems has a small module of CaNNaLyTiX(TM) installedinto their separate management software. CaNNaLyTiX(TM) is required tofully exploit the integration of SPIDer intrusion detectionnetworks with the management of the facility. This can be eitherupdated to an existing CaNNaLyTiX(TM) already installed in the growfacility or can be a standalone version for the security systems.Although many of these products are designed for outdoor large areacoverage, indoor versions are also available.

About HempTech Corp.

HempTech, a subsidiary of FutureWorld, is a technology companycatering to the cultivators of industrial hemp market and legalmedical marijuana. HempTech provides cutting edge technology thatallows cultivators to securely collect and analyze every aspect ofa horticultural operation. SPIDer(TM) provides Secure PerimeterIntrusion Detection and is a state of the art security solution fora cultivation operation. Through their proprietary datacollection system SmartSense(TM) and analytics dashboard CaNNaLyTiX(TM)HempTech Corp. provide growers unparalleled data analysiscapabilities for their plants. SmartNergy(TM) not only controlsevery aspect of electrical usage within a cultivation operation itis actively managing settings and monitoring usage to make sure the#1 cost of an operation (Energy) is monitored and controlled atoptimum levels at every stage of processing a harvest. Couplein CannaTRAK(TM), our ground up remodeling of a “Seed to Sale”tracking software system, and master growers will be handed acomplete toolset that can provide the real answer to a grower’sultimate question… “How did we do that?” CaNNaLyTiX(TM) sophisticationwill show the master growers exactly how a harvest came into being. Virtually every component of the plants vegetative growthmatrix and ultimate flower harvest is tracked, documented andavailable in visible format both in real-time and historically toensure that the baselines set by the master grower are adhered toby the cultivation staff. CaNNaLyTiX(TM), providing essentialtools to Know Your Grow! HempTech – America’s Future Taking RootToday.

To request further information about HempTech, please email usat, log onto our website at or visit us at our Facebook page or on Twitter@hemptechcorp.

About FutureWorld Corp.

FutureWorld (FWDG), a Delaware corporation, is a leadingprovider of advanced technologies and solutions to the globalcannabis industry. FutureWorld, together with its subsidiaries,focuses on the identification, acquisition, development, andcommercialization of cannabis related products and services, suchas industrial Hemp. FutureWorld, through its subsidiaries, providespersonal and professional THC and CBD test kits, pharmaceuticalgrade CBD oil solutions, SafeVape vaporizers, smart sensortechnology, communication network, surveillance security, dataanalysis for smart cultivation and consultation for the industrialhemp and legal medicinal cannabis. Our wireless agricultural smartsensor networks offer precision to the agriculture, irrigationsystems, and greenhouses for the global cannabis and hemp industry.FutureWorld and its subsidiaries do not grow, distribute or sellmarijuana.

As the only Cannabis Technology Accelerator, FutureWorld willincubate and fund leading technologies, products, and services forCannabis industry (Industrial Hemp) for foreseeable future;bringing value to its core and its shareholders.

To request further information about FutureWorld, please emailus at, log onto our website at or visit us at our Facebook or on Twitter@futureworldinc.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain forward-looking statementscovered within the meaning of the Private Securities LitigationReform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements relate to,among other things, plans and timing for the introduction orenhancement of our services and products, statements about futuremarket conditions, supply and demand conditions, and otherexpectations, intentions and plans contained in this press releasethat are not historical fact and involve risks and uncertainties.Our expectations regarding future revenues depend upon our abilityto develop and supply products and services that we may not producetoday and that meet defined specifications. When used in this pressrelease, the words “plan,” “expect,” “believe,” and similarexpressions generally identify forward-looking statements. Thesestatements reflect our current expectations. They are subject to anumber of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to,changes in technology and changes in pervasive markets. Thisrelease includes forward-looking statements within the meaning ofSection 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 27E of theSecurities Act of 1934. Statements contained in this release thatare not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-lookingstatements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statementsare inherently uncertain. Actual performance and results may differmaterially from that projected or suggested herein due to certainrisks and uncertainties including, without limitation, ability toobtain financing and regulatory and shareholder approval foranticipated actions.

Media Contact
FutureWorld Corp.
(727) 474-1816 ext. 103
Twitter - @futureworldinc
Facebook - futureworldenergy

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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