Featured Marijuana Trends & Articles

Four Celebrity Stoners… And a Surprise!

Throughout the last few years, marijuana has become very popular among the public. In fact, more than half the nation now supports legalization. That means more and more people are becoming open to the idea of marijuana, and furthermore, more and more people are using the drug. This does not exclude celebrities. Let’s take a look at some famous potheads:

1. Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus used to be the queen of the Disney World with her run as Hannah Montana. People were unsure about this during the beginning of her transformation, but it became clearer. Eventually, she just flat out told Rolling Stone that “weed is the best drug on Earth.” Then, if that wasn’t clear enough, she began smoking on stage during one of her concerts. Yup, she’s a stoner.

2. Rihanna

This should come off as a surprise to anyone. There are pictures all over the internet of Rihanna smoking weed. There is even one of her rolling a blunt on her security guard’s head while mounting his shoulders. Seriously. Yup, she’s a pothead.

3. Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman, the man with the voice of voices, admitted to having smoked weed and drinking a lot in the past. He gave it up like most celebrities end up doing… Well, almost all of it. He stated during an interview that “I’ll never give up the ganja,” calling it “God’s own weed.”

4. James Franco

This one should not come off as a surprise to many people. However, he says that he gave up smoking weed in 2008. This is actually right before he made the movie Pineapple Express, where he played a drug dealer. He said “I used to smoke weed, but I haven’t done it in a long time. Everybody, even now, thinks, ‘That guy is stoned.’ It’s just the way I talk because I don’t smoke weed. Somehow, there’s something about me, the way I talk; that implies that I’m on drugs.”

5. Oprah

“You get a blunt, you get a blunt, you get a blunt!” Here is the big shocker. Oprah admits that she was smoking weed very actively back in the day, but decided to stop smoking in 1982. The most famous celebrity admitted this on Watch What Happens Live, but does not associate herself with the drug anymore. Sure, Oprah, sure.

By J. Phillip

Coming from Miami FL, Jonathan Phillip or (J. Phillip) is a social media marketer and currently head of PR and social media management for When working with clients in various sectors Jonathan will use his expertise and knowledge to make sure the correct audience is viewing and engaging with your content product or service. Jonathan is a self-taught marketer and entrepreneur learning from the best and sharpening his skills with each project.

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