Ever since Jamaica made the choice earlier this year to decriminalize the possession of up to 56 grams of cannabis, National Security minister Peter Bunting states the hostility that once boiled amongst its citizens and law enforcement because of more than 10 years of prohibition has given way to an overall peaceful community and a significant reduction in being apprehended for drug-related offenses.
However he remained confident that Jamaica will not tolerate illegal growing operations, nor will it handle drug traffickers with any less severity, Bunting stated the islands transition to decriminalize cannabis has made a better environment by ridding the potential for severe clashes between cops and the citizens of Jamaica which is initiated from the laws against the marijuana plant.
“Communities saw young men who they did not regard as criminals being arrested, fined, and, sometimes, sentenced for possession of ‘ganja,'” Bunting stated this past Monday. “It gave them criminal records… eventually limiting their life chances.”
The simple amendment to the law has not only created a conflict-free environment, but, as Bunting stated, it has added to the decline of cannabis-related arrests. it has given authorities more time and assets to bring the gavel down on true criminal degenerates.
“I believe that the police must use their (resources and energy) going after the real problems in crime,” Bunting stated.
The Justice Ministry assumes the new law will have “positive implications” fro the community while moving forward to ease jamaica’s overloaded justice system. Meanwhile, lawmakers are utilizing a provision of the new law to establish a Cannabis Licensing Authority that will oversee Jamaica’s medical marijuana industry.

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