The most current investigative studies involving THC displays that even low amounts of THC could help a small rodents livers, and possibly a human livers, battle against ischemia reperfusion injury, a normal cause of liver transplant failure.

Other times THC has displayed to researchers that it can defend the body against oxidative and reduce swelling. Upon digging deeper into the consequences of THC’s antioxidative symptoms, researchers in Israel has found that even very minimal doses can defend your liver.

Many studies on cannabinoids have tried to stay clear of the psychotropic effects of THC the “high” by utilizing cannabinoids or synthetic cannabinoids. At times, these synthetic CBD’s can be very dangerous to the body, and CBD does not pinpoint cannabinoid receptors in the same way THC does making the use of THC in medicine a force to reckon with.

Without calling it quits on trying to avoid getting people high, this most recent research studied he effects of THC in doses almost 1,000 times less than that needed to feel stoned. Their results show that even one small dose of THC can help reduce the effects of ischemic reperfusion injury. Marijuana may not be a miracle “cure all” yet as more studies on CBD medicine progresses even people in opposition must admit that the many different advantages from marijuana research as a whole are astonishing.

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