
Californians seem hot to visit a legal pot shop and smoke a joint or munch a needed brownie. Unlike with liquor, there’s no 0.08% blood alcohol equivalent for marijuana. That’s one problem with rushing to legalize marijuana for stoner use. Proposition 64 on the November ballot would legalize marijuana use for anyone 21 and older. All polls show the initiative winning by a landslide, supported by roughly 60% of voters. In 2010, a marijuana legalization initiative lost by seven percentage points.

“This is high-grade stuff they’re putting in candy bars and you’re climbing the wall.” For the last 20 years, California has had a wink-wink law – the product of another initiative – that permits the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, phony or not.

It’s not hard to find a “Doctor” who, for a few bucks, will write a cannabis “Recommendation.” Finally, the Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown stepped up and enacted a bill last year to regulate medical marijuana.

You’d think our leaders would advise waiting to see how regulating medicinal pot works out before barreling full blast into legalizing it for every adult. It would be nice to have a marijuana intoxication standard in place before stoners get behind the wheel.

One of its biggest promoters is Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the former San Francisco mayor who’s running for governor to replace Brown when he’s termed out in 2018. Newsom apparently thinks he can attract young voters by legalizing weed. The marijuana industry also sees a new California Gold Rush – or green rush.

“It’s a bad initiative being funded by people with dollar signs in their eyes,” says Lauren Michaels, legislative director for the California Police Chiefs Assn., an opponent without money to donate.

“It was crafted by people who see the initiative as an investment plan. There’s nothing wrong with making money, but when you’re making it off an investment plan that’s bad for public health, then we have to look at the societal costs.”

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1 comment
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