Crowdfunding website, Indiegogo is the latest internet giant to put the kibosh on CBD. Indiegogo closed down a campaign proffered by a company named CBD INC. in which they were offering a lifetime supply of CBD oil for the price of a one year supply. The reason given by Indiegogo for closing the campaign down: Prohibited content. Indiegogo’s email to CBD INC. states: “Selling controlled substances is not in accordance with our terms.“

The campaign, which had been running for three days when the plug was pulled, is part of a multi-pronged effort to fund the construction of a mass production facility in Portugal. CBD INC. is now running the lifetime supply offer on their own website along with a 506(c) Reg. D stock offering.

The lifetime supply deal applies to wholesale buyers/resellers of CBD as well as consumers. The offer can be found at

CBD INC. CEO, Tapio Maki says of the offer, “We put a lot of resources into building up this crowdfunding campaign. Before we began we did an extensive search to see which crowdfunding sites were going to be CBD-friendly. We found a campaign for a product called CBD Vitamin Spray which had run a campaign on Indiegogo in the past. We figured Indiegogo would also let our campaign run, but they shut it down after a few days. Our user account was also terminated. Fortunately, we had the campaign dashboard open in a browser and were able to copy the content and relocate it to our own site. Otherwise a lot of time and effort might have been lost.”

No one at Indiegogo could be reached for a statement and emails inquiring into the details of their decision have not been returned.

CBD can be legally produced in Europe and legally imported and sold in the US as long as it is produced from the stalks of THC-free hemp. CBD Inc.’s campaign expressly states that their CBD will be produced in Portugal and will adhere to EU and US guidelines.

CBD is a highly beneficial cannabinoid that offers many of the medical properties of cannabis but without the high caused by THC. Although anyone can legally purchase CBD right now on Amazon or a multitude of health food websites, top internet companies such as Google and Facebook don’t allow advertising of CBD.

Although CBD is non-psychoactive, as a cannabinoid it is lumped in with THC in the Controlled Substances Act which kicked off pot prohibition. However, hemp extract, which contains CBD, is considered a food product and is therefore just as permissible to import into the US as hemp oil, hemp seed, and hemp protein. There are currently scores of CBD-infused health foods and drinks and the number is growing exponentially along with consumer demand for CBD. The evidence of CBD’s benefits and lack of adverse side effects is becoming clearer and clearer. Pressure is mounting on the feds to lighten up on CBD.

CBD INC’s stated mission is to become a leading supplier of CBD to the health food industry as well as a leader in extraction technology.

“We’re not just looking for money. We’re looking for partners in the industry who will work with us to perfect our products and technologies,” said Maki about the lifetime supply offer for resellers. “Our entire business plan is designed to give early investors a massive return on investment in a short time, so we figured why not offer a similar same deal to partners and smaller backers.”

“We encourage resellers to have a look at the offer on our website,” says Maki. “It really is a fantastic deal. It won’t last long. It could be over in a few days, as soon as we hit our first funding goal.”

The lifetime supply of CBD offer can be found at

Information on CBD INC’s stock offering can be found at

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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