When dealing with pharmaceutical medication, pain killers in general can be a very addicting and strenuous remedy that has lead to potential overdoses. In reference to information that was given this year from the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association, life threatening overdoses caused by the effect of prescription painkillers has dramatically decreased in states where marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use.

Being able to obtain medical marijuana, according to research, is responsible for a 25% decrease in deaths that are caused from the use of prescription medication taken for severe pain. The study also foresees such fatalities to continue to decrease as marijuana reform across the country allows more individuals to legally obtain the drug for medical reasons.

Study authors in fact are under the impression that people who have chronic pain tend to rely on medical marijuana when they have this choice, which also significantly lowers the risk of addiction and overdose of various medications, “We think that people with chronic pain may be choosing to treat their pain with cannabis rather than with prescription painkillers, in states where this is legal,” stated lead author Dr. Marcus Bachhuber.

The impact of this research, mainly dealing with veterans as a result, potentially could be significant in years to come as some kind of federal reform becomes a more attainable goal. Such results by valued medical researchers are also more inclined to play into policy decisions particularly over local bans and increased taxes in various states. With that stated, a research like the analysis in JAMA study only tacks on to the argument in reference to the need of being allowed access for medical patients to not only help their discomfort, but to acknowledge the advantages, both in society and personally, of moving forward to provide access to medical marijuana.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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